Monday, May 23, 2011

Blogs of Understanding

In my attempt to understand James Joyce and his Dubliners, I went on a search of Irish culture. I was able to scratch the surface to some of the problems and questions that I have had. I was reading a blog by Em, C'est la Vie! and although she is not a native of Ireland has been living there for a few years. She is also a teacher. She states that the first time she read Dubliners she didn't get that much out of it. But now that she has been living there she understand more of the culture. Her students could also relate to Dubliners. I sent her a message in hopes to understand more how she and her students could relate to the stories found in Dubliners. I hope to hear from her soon.

Her blog led me to another blog who didn't have as much success in relating herself to Dubliners. This blog I could relate more to because I myself couldn't understand some of the things that James Joyce was referring to. As I began to browse the web I ran across a great site about the Irish culture in 1904 (which was around the time Dubliners was published). After looking at this website I could understand a little more about the stories.

In the story Eveline (which I have mentioned previously) I had a hard time understanding why Eveline ran back to her father. It was clear to me that following Frank had more appeal. Her father didn't seem like a very nice person and would beat his kids. But after I read more about the culture I realized that it was perfectly fine for fathers to beat their children after the age of two. For us nowadays even spanking your children could be considered abuse and you could get in trouble for it. Also, after reading Em's blog I realized that the Irish people are very attached to their homeland. She mentioned how many Irish folk talk about leaving and want to leave (which is evident in Dubliners) and yet once they leave "they immediately find an Irish pub". Although this might be saying something about most people and their need to find something familiar. Leaving what you know is a scary thing and we never quite leave our home. After realizing this I could better understand why Eveline did not flee with her love but returned home to her father.

1 comment:

  1. The Atlas of Literature that we saw in class today has a small section on James Joyce's Dublin. It has a map too. I don't know if you saw it but it might have some information that you are looking for.
